Facts and strategies for the sustainable transformation of the Namibian cooling sector
In recent years, the number of cooling appliances used in Namibia has steadily increased. Due to the growing population and the expected climate change towards warmer temperatures, particularly the demand for air conditioners is increasing. From 2010 to 2015, sales of air conditioners increased by more than 43 %.
Along with the growth in the RAC appliance sector, the resulting GHG emissions increased from about 0.63 Mt CO2eq in 2010 to 0.83 Mt CO2eq in 2015. Based on current trends and a predicted increasingly hotter climate in Namibia, the GHG emissions are prone to be four times higher by 2050 to over 4 Mt CO2eq.
This inventory report first highlights the current stock of cooling equipment in the country and calculates its future development and related emissions. Based on this, strategies are outlined on how the Namibian RAC sector can be sustainably transformed into climate-friendly green cooling.