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Vi­deo: Cold Chains at the For­e­front – Chal­len­ges and Op­por­tu­nities in Ke­nyan Fis­he­ry Sec­tor

07/2017 , Publicación - Video :

The lack of cold chains in the fishery sector leads to seafood perishing during the post-catch, processing and distribution phases.

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Insufficient methods of preserving and transporting fish make local fishers loose income and pose health threats for customers. Efficient and reliable cold chains will improve food quality and security, hereby counteracting malnutrition in the community and providing higher income opportunities for fishers.

Rising temperatures due to climate change, population growth and urbanization are leading to a higher demand for cooling. Like many other developing countries, Kenya lacks the basic infrastructure and management skills needed to support uninterrupted cold chains for perishable foods and pharmaceutical. Acquiring cold chain management skills plays a key role in achieving economic development, better health and hunger eradication. Germany supports partner countries in introducing and disseminating environmentally friendly ways of cooling.

Cold Chains at the Forefront – Challenges and Opportunities is a series of clips produced by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Proklima aiming at visualizing Kenya´s specific reality and circumstances under which perishable goods are treated with relation to different Sustainable Development Goals.