Green Cooling Initiative

Member Detail

Red de Refrigeración Verde

Tunisia Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement

Government Institution

As part of ANPE, NOU Tunisia is committed to ozone and environmental protection.

The National Ozone Unit is the focal point of the Montreal Protocol, it was created in Tunisia in 1990 within the National Environmental Protection Agency.

The NOU´s mission is

Monitoring the implementation of the Parties' decisions
Prepare investment projects for ODS phase-out and monitoring
Submit consumption data for ODS in Tunisia to the Ozone Secretariat in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol and to the Executive Committee
Represent Tunisia at meetings of the Parties, the Executive Committee, the Implementation Committee, the Open-ended Working Group and the African Network of National Coordinators of Ozone Layer Protection Programmes
Control the import of ODS into Tunisia
Chairing the meetings of the National Commission for the Protection of the Ozone Layer for the allocation of import quotas
Organize awareness-raising activities aimed at both the general public and industry

País: Tunisia