Publications et vidéos
Résultats 111 á 120 de 122
01/2017 Publication - Inventories & Cooling StrategiesGreenhouse Gas Inventory and National Cooling Strategy for the RAC Sector in Namibia
Facts and strategies for the sustainable transformation of the Namibian cooling sector
12/2016 Publication - Technical PublicationPromoting Food Security and Safety via Cold Chains
This concept paper presents different existing and potential cold chains for food products and give an overview of existing challenges and possible solutions towards better cold chain coverage, improved cold chain management and reduced food losses in developing countries.
11/2016 Publication - BrochureAdvancing nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through climate-friendly refrigeration and air conditioning
These guidelines assist policymakers in designing national mitigation strategies for the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam (RAC&F) sector to meet the increasing ambition levels expected in revised NDCs.
07/2016 Publication - Technical PublicationGood Practices in Refrigeration (EN / BS / ES)
This updated manual provide professional guidance on how to service and maintain refrigeration systems operating with ozone-friendly alternative refrigerants to CFCs and HCFCs.
04/2016 Publication - BrochureThailand: RAC NAMA project brochure
Energy demand for cooling is growing around the world – including Thailand. This brochure shows how the NAMA project helps introduce so-called Green Cooling technologies to the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector in Thailand.
02/2015 PublicationGreen Cooling Technologies: Market trends in selected RAC subsectors
The study provides an overview on the global cooling value chain for key subsectors and discusses how private and public stakeholders as well as the civil society can drive dynamics towards a wider penetration of Green Cooling technologies.
02/2014 Publication - VideoVideo: Green cooling for a warming world
This movie explains the link between cooling, climate change and sustainable development!
03/2013 Publication - Technical PublicationTechnical Handbook: NAMAs in the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam sectors
The technical handbook and its modules aim to serve policy makers and practitioners in developing countries as a comprehensive guideline for the preparation and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) in the RAC and foam sectors.
09/2012 Publication - Technical PublicationNatural Foam Blowing Agents: Sustainable Ozone- and Climate-Friendly Alternatives to HCFCs
This volume covers policy-related aspects of technology transition towards natural foam blowing agents and deals with the use in rigid and XPS foam as well as the conditions for conversion and special technolgies. Further, it presents case studies from developing countries including typical challenges and solutions.
07/2012 Publication - Technical PublicationGuidelines for the safe use of hydrocarbon refrigerants
A handbook for engineers, technicians, trainers and policy-makers