Publications et vidéos
Résultats 111 á 116 de 116
02/2014 Publication - VideoVideo: Green cooling for a warming world
This movie explains the link between cooling, climate change and sustainable development!
03/2013 Publication - Technical PublicationTechnical Handbook: NAMAs in the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam sectors
The technical handbook and its modules aim to serve policy makers and practitioners in developing countries as a comprehensive guideline for the preparation and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) in the RAC and foam sectors.
09/2012 Publication - Technical PublicationNatural Foam Blowing Agents: Sustainable Ozone- and Climate-Friendly Alternatives to HCFCs
This volume covers policy-related aspects of technology transition towards natural foam blowing agents and deals with the use in rigid and XPS foam as well as the conditions for conversion and special technolgies. Further, it presents case studies from developing countries including typical challenges and solutions.
07/2012 Publication - Technical PublicationGuidelines for the safe use of hydrocarbon refrigerants
A handbook for engineers, technicians, trainers and policy-makers
11/2011 Publication - Technical PublicationGuideline: Production conversion of domestic refrigerators from halogenated to hydrocarbon refrigerants (EN / ES)
This guideline is intended to provide information for planning a conversion from an existing domestic refrigerator manufacturing system to one using hydrocarbons.
07/2008 Publication - BrochureNatural Refrigerants
This publication attempts to provide information and guidance to decision makers in developing countries, both in government and the private sector. It demonstrates which ozone- and climate friendly alternatives to fluorinated refrigerants are available in the market and why and how they should be applied.