Publications et vidéos
Résultats 21 á 30 de 122
06/2022 Publication - Technical PublicationGhana Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Roadmap
The Ghana Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Roadmap describes how the RAC sector in Ghana can be transformed to be more environmentally friendly.
06/2022 Publication - Technical PublicationNet-zero emission solutions for transport refrigeration in a sustainable cold chain
This technology paper explores the climate impact of transport refrigeration units and the path towards net- zero transport refrigeration.
06/2022 Publication - Technical PublicationPhotovoltaic-powered Air Conditioning in Buildings: Technical economic analysis
This study explores the economic and technical potential of the use of solar PV-powered green air conditioners in 13 countries.
05/2022 Publication - Technical PublicationEnvironmentally and climate-friendly solar-powered walk-in cold rooms
Solar walk-in cold rooms are used as an eco-friendly refrigeration alternative for food and medicine storage. This publication by the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) and Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) project provides helpful guidelines on how to minimize their climate impact most effectively.
04/2022 Publication - Technical PublicationFeasability Report: Insulation Materials and Solar Cooling in Zambia
Which insulation materials are available in Zambia? And are they suitable for Cooling Insulation in conjunction with standardised Solar Cooling Units in Rural Areas? A Feasibility Report.
12/2021 Publication - BrochureBaseline and monitoring methodologies for HFC mitigation action
MRV standardisation and streamlining as well as accounting of HFC mitigation – including energy efficiency improvement – under the Kigali Amendment and Paris Agreement
12/2021 Publication - BrochureThe 'HCFC adder' in the Kigali Amendment baseline calculation
Risks to environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement
12/2021 Publication - BrochureCool Contributions fighting Climate Change
Project Highlights 2016 - 2021
12/2021 Publication - VideoVideo: Energy efficiency in public buildings in Bangladesh
New study explores energy-saving potential in public buildings
12/2021 Publication - Technical PublicationConstruction of a climate-friendly fish cold store in Kenya
Guidelines for the installation, design and calculation of a highly efficient solar-powered cold store using natural refrigerants