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¡Chido! Green Cooling Training in Mexico

27/03/2022 , Actualité :

The Mexican National Ozone Unit (NOU) successfully completed a training about the Green Cooling approach and instruments for a sustainable transformation of the RAC sector.

The picture shows a screenshot of the participants of the online training (ouvre une image agrandie)

On the 18th and 21st of February 2022, 10 representatives of the National Ozone Unit in Mexico (Unidad del Protocolo de Montreal, UPM) successfully participated in a two-day training on Green Cooling organised by GIZ Proklima. The concept of Green Cooling describes the use of natural refrigerants in combination with highly energy-efficient appliances, ideally powered by renewable energy sources. The training provided an overview of the possible fields of actions to promote the Green Cooling approach and thereby a sustainable transformation of the cooling sector.