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10/2019 Publication - BrochureR290 Split Air Conditioners Resource Guide
This resource guide, published by GIZ Proklima and the German Environment Agency, closes knowledge gaps and informs about the factors that are deemed crucial for a successful market transition to energy-efficient R290 split ACs.
06/2020 Publication - Technical PublicationThermal destruction of (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons
The present paper focuses on one aspect of ODS Banks management: The destruction of ODS through thermal processes.
06/2019 Publication - BrochureEnvironmentally friendly cold storage for fish – an example from Kenya
Off-grid, high-efficiency cold storage can help secure the livelihood of fishermen. This brochure sheds light on different facets of the topic.
10/2019 Publication - BrochureProklima – naturally cool!
Proklima is a globally active programme of GIZ. We promote environmentally friendly and energy-efficient cooling technologies - Green Cooling - in developing and emerging countries.
06/2019 Publication - Inventories & Cooling StrategiesIranian roadmap on ODS bank management
This publication introduces four key processes to establish good practices in ODS bank management in Iran.
06/2020 Publication - VideoVideo: From nature to table - a food story (EN)
Ever thought about how fresh food gets to your plate from its source in nature?
06/2020 Publication - VideoVideo: Sustainable Cold Chains: Protection for a healthy life (EN)
Most medicines, especially vaccines, have to be kept cool during transport, storage and the inoculation.
06/2020 Publication - Technical PublicationBanks and Emissions of CFC-11 and CFC-12
This study investigates the currently applied assumptions of global CFC banks models and compares it with data collected in specific countries.
01/11/2016 Actualité 28th Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol: Agreement reached to phase out HFCs
Kigali - The 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP), held in Rwanda from 10 to 14 October 2016, has set a milestone for climate change mitigation. The Kigali Amendment to the Protocol now mandates the long-term, phased elimination of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) for industrialised and developing countries.
01/06/2016 Actualité GCI Members CIRCE and Shecco cooperating in the EU funded project SuperSmart