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08/2020 Publication - Inventories & Cooling StrategiesGreenhouse Gas Inventory and Mitigation Strategies for the RAC Sector in the Seychelles
Over the last few years there has been constant growth in the Seychelles’ RAC industry. The growing population, wealth and temperatures have led to an increased demand for air conditioning and refrigeration solutions.
12/2020 Publication - Video"Always a two-way street" - Interview with Philip Owen
The European Union was one of the first movers regarding F-gas regulation and HCFC phase-out. As part of the SPODS project in Latin America and the Caribbean, we had the pleasure of interviewing Philip Owen of the European Commission.
01/04/2018 Actualité Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change (C4) reaches Cuba!
In early March 2018, the National Ozone Unit of Cuba (OTOZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH held a kickoff workshop in Havana to initiate the project C4. It will support Cuba in formulating mitigation strategies in the cooling sector and thereby advancing its NDCs.
18/12/2020 Actualité Not a waste of time: Managing the waste of old RAC appliances
Throughout the past years, the project "Management and destruction of existing ozone depleting substances in ODS banks" (ODS Banks) has successfully addressed the often overlooked topic of ODS and HFC banks.
18/12/2020 Actualité "Always a two-way street" - Interview with Philip Owen
The European Union was one of the first movers regarding F-gas regulation and HCFC phase-out. As part of the SPODS project in Latin America and the Caribbean, we had the pleasure of interviewing Philip Owen of the European Commission.
29/01/2021 Actualité Cool Talks: "Green Cooling technologies are simply something we know and we are good at"
The environment concerns us all, so believe Peter Michael Hansen, Head of Global Application, and Frank Elsen, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), of compressor manufacturer Secop. In our interview they talk about their motivation to promote Green Cooling and what an ideal RAC sector would look like.
29/01/2021 Actualité Green Cooling Summit 2021: Managing the HFC phase-down with natural refrigerants
The virtual summit takes place from 25 - 27 May 2021 and addresses political and technical approaches for the implementation of the HFC phase-down under the Kigali Amendment.
Meilleures pratiquesPolicymaking: The Australian Refrigeration Association stirs up the Federal Department of the Environment
The Australian Refrigeration Association (ARA) is preparing its third submission to the Federal Department of the Environment regarding the Review of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gases Management Act (OPSGG MA). In its previous 2 submissions, ARA was supported by over 70 of the leading cooling and refrigeration organizations. Now ARA is calling upon the public to show its support for the third submission. The submissions focuses on the reduced use of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. ARA estimates that the transition to natural refrigerants may reduce the cost of HVACR services in Australia by up to $10 B per annum, and reduce national GHG emissions by 7%. ARA is encouraging individuals to write a unique response about why they believe the Federal Department of Environment should prioritize this thematic. The key recommendations include: Banning the use of HFC’s in new vapour compression systems with a charge >5 kg by 2025. Compulsory use of low GWP refrigerants in all new vapour compression systems with a charge <0.150 kg by 2025. The introduction of a series of mechanisms to deliver minimum energy efficiency benchmarking, skills based refrigeration licensing (as opposed to refrigerant based licensing), alignment of WH&S legislation making state and federal WH&S legislation nationally consistent. …
Meilleures pratiquesPolicymaking: The Natural Voice- A global call to reduce greenhouse gases by natural refrigerants
Introduced by Shecco in 2009, the Natural Voice is a global statement open to industry, associations, non-profit organizations and individuals supporting the potential of natural refrigerants in replacing potent greenhouse gases. At present, the Natural Voice has 109 signatories from a range of sectors and industries. The statement will be presented to national governments and international climate negotiators in the near future to build the basis for developing natural refrigerant initiatives around the world. The Natural Voice demands national governments to remove (inter)national trade barriers and to revise safety standards, codes and legislation that restrict the use of natural refrigerants without merit. Furthermore, it calls upon national governments to provide (non-) financial support for the research and promotion of natural refrigerants, and to facilitate the technology transfer from developed to developing countries. …
Meilleures pratiquesTraining: Training programme for Iraqi refrigeration experts
Casale Monferrato, Italy, September 2016 – A group of Iraqi HVAC&R experts receive specialized training on the safe use natural refrigerants in domestic and commercial refrigeration. The training was hosted as a joint effort between Centro Studio Galileo and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and funded by the Multilateral Fund (MLF). During the week of theoretical and practical training, including field visits, the Iraqi experts gained the necessary skills and knowledge to support the introduction of hydrocarbon and low global warming potential refrigerants in the domestic and commercial refrigeration sectors. The training is part of Iraq’s national strategy for phasing out hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) while reducing dependency on high-GWP refrigerants. The participants were certified after successful completion of the course, such that they are now responsible for conducting training courses for local Iraqi engineers and technicians. Centro Studi Galileo and UNEP have worked together for over 10 years to build the capacity of technicians in developing countries and to support the introduction of local certification schemes for refrigeration technicians. …