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Résultats 511 á 520 de 813
01/04/2019 Actualité Latin America and the Caribbean: stronger, better, towards Green Cooling!
GIZ Proklima organized a "Technology Roadshow on Natural Refrigerants" and the "1st Regional Meeting of the Green Cooling Initiative Network" in San José, Costa Rica, from March 25-28, 2019.
01/10/2019 Actualité Ways towards a sustainable national MRV system for the cooling sector
Back-to-back with the OEWG in Bangkok, a two-day workshop on inventories and MRV systems in the RAC sector took place
03/12/2018 Actualité Building local capacity for a green cooling transformation in Africa
Almost 20 RAC trainers from nine African countries participated in vocational education workshops at the Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Academy (ACRA) in South Africa in November and December 2018. The trainings were organized by GCI to support local technical expertise on environmentally friendly cooling technology.
01/10/2017 Actualité Workshop on the manual dismantling of refrigerators and air conditioners in Bogotá
30 experts in the field of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) participated in a GIZ workshop on the manual dismantling of RAC appliances, which took place as part of the "1st International Congress for the Integral Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and its Contribution to Climate Stability in Colombia".
01/10/2019 Actualité Revolution is underway in the Thai cooling sector
More and more companies switch their production lines to natural refrigerants. Producers, consumers, and the environment are all benefitting.
01/10/2019 Actualité Webinar on the environmentally-friendly disposal of cooling appliances
Under the E-Waste Webinar series of the BMZ sectoral programme "Concepts for sustainable solid waste management" and in cooperation with the "Solving the E-Waste Problem" (StEP) initiative, the ODS Banks project and core elements of the manual dismantling of refrigeration and air conditioning systems were presented on the 5th of September.
01/10/2019 Actualité GIZ Proklima Hosts XPS Form Sector Workshop in China
On June 12th 2019, GIZ Proklima collaborated with the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment's International Environmental Cooperation Center and UNIDO to organize a one-day XPS workshop in Beijing, China.
01/10/2019 Actualité The #RoadToClimateAction leads to South Korea
During its Global Programming Conference in August 2019 in Songdo, South Korea, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) highlighted the importance of climate action in the cooling sector.
01/04/2019 Actualité Protecting the environment through end-of-life management of RAC appliances
GIZ Proklima and the Ozone Technical Unit (UTO) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, carry out activities aimed at evaluating alternatives for the correct final management of the RAC equipment and the refrigerant substances they contain.
01/06/2016 Actualité Technology partnerships: Introducing the Green Cooling Initiative Africa
R-290 air conditioners in Ghana