Cool Talks

Cool Talks : Une série d'entretiens avec les membres du réseau GCI

Dans notre série d'entretiens "Cool Talks", les membres du Réseau Refroidissement vert et bénéficiaires partagent leur vision du refroidissement vert. Le réseau GCI est une alliance d'acteurs clés dans le secteur de la réfrigération, de la climatisation et des mousses. Il comprend des institutions gouvernementales, des organisations internationales et le secteur privé. Ils sont unis dans un seul but : la transformation du secteur du refroidissement - au profit des personnes, de l'environnement et de notre avenir commun.

Cool Talk: “The training was very practical and fruitful”

21/04/2022 , Actualité :

Mr. Ardalan Asadi is a representative of Fajr Fereidooni company. He participated in a Train the Trainers workshop on hydrocarbon refrigerants at the Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization ITC Karaj in July 2019. Two-and-a-half years later, we would like to know how the training has influenced his work.

(ouvre une image agrandie)

Mr. Asadi, what were the most important insights you gained during the hydrocarbon training?

During the workshop about the application of hydrocarbon refrigerants there were many important parameters which were considered and taught. The most prominent one that should be mentioned is the correct way of welding and connecting pipes. Due to the thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon refrigerants, they have a low viscosity that makes us choose a smaller diameter in sizing piping.

Another point that can be mentioned is the difference between a welded joint and a screw connection: welded joints minimize the percentage of refrigerant leakage. This issue can be significant in the commercial refrigeration industry

Tell me, which aspect that you learned during the Train the Trainers workshop could you apply in the RAC sector in your country?

All the trained sections can be considered and become effective in our country – especially the part about energy efficiency. Another highlight is the low volume of refrigerant that is injected into the cycle. Moreover, the best layout of refrigerators and freezers which work with propane for shops.


Cool Talks

opens in a new window)In our "Cool Talks" interview series, members of the Green Cooling Network share their vision of Green Cooling. The Network is an alliance of key players in the refrigeration, air-conditioning & foam sector. It comprises government institutions, international organisations and the private sector. They are united on one goal: the transformation of the cooling sector – for the benefit of people, the environment, and our shared future.

Contact with training participants 

Are you still in contact with the other Training participants? Have you exchanged experiences and knowledge?

Yes - Fajr Fereydooni refrigeration Company is always in contact with and in review of new systems with partner companies. In fact the policy of our company is based on interaction and knowledge exchange with domestic and foreign partner companies.

This has raised the technical quality of this company and other dear colleagues.

Especially in optimizing energy efficiency, protecting the environment and preventing global warming.

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