To actively participate in international negotiations, specific techniques and skills are needed. GIZ organized a skills training in Thailand to prepare the participants for future negotiations.
From June 24th to June 26th, 13 ministry representatives from 6 different countries came together in Bangkok to learn about international negotiation techniques.
The participants from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam spent three days understanding factors of negotiation and practicing their new insights in role plays and simulations. Cultural aspects in negotiations were also included, which could directly be applied due to the diversity in the group. At the end of the training, Mr. Bernhard Siegele, head of the Proklima Cluster, shared his extensive experience with negotiations in the context of the Montreal protocol with the group. In the scope of multilateral negotiations, especially within the context of the Montreal Protocol, developing and emerging countries often encounter strategic, financial and technical barriers when actively engaging in these complex international negotiations.
To effectively advance national interests, actively contribute, secure new sources of financing and finally meet their commitments, there is a critical need to enhance negotiation skills and techniques. Additionally, it is essential to possess profound negotiations skills to engage and integrate national stakeholders effectively in the development, transformation and implementation of polices and regulations that align and contribute to commitments of the Montreal Protocol.
The Green Cooling Initiative III therefore provided this international negotiation skills training to their partners. We hope some of the participants could directly apply their new skills at the OEWG46, which happened shortly after the training.