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Burkina Faso: Training Manual for RAC Trainers

18.12.2024 , News :

The National Institute for the Training of Education Personnel (INFPE) of Burkina Faso, in cooperation with the ROCA project, has developed a manual on refrigeration and air conditioning for the training of trainers.


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"Education is the sap that runs through the young child and leads him to maturity by taking into account his integration into society," says Robert Simpore. He is an inspector of primary and non-formal education.

Training of trainers in Burkina Faso

The new manual will help improve the education of young refrigeration technicians. In 84 pages, the manual gives an introduction to topics related to refrigeration and air conditioning. It consists of four chapters: 

1.) The first chapter aims to provide general knowledge about the elements of nature and their interactivity. 

2.) The second chapter aims to provide knowledge of the impact of refrigerants on the ozone layer and the climate.

3.) The third chapter aims to obtain knowledge of the regulations on environmental protection. 

4.) The fourth chapter helps to control the factors influencing energy efficiency. 

The structure of these chapters is identical to facilitate readability. It consists of five parts: 

  • Chapter Objectives;
  • the “Diagnosis” allowing self-assessment and position oneself in relation to the expected results before approaching the booklet;
  • the Memento, composed of the theoretical contributions essential to understanding and dealing with the subject;
  • the correct answers to the questions asked in the "Diagnosis" section;
  • the Activities, which allow a moment of reflection and exercises at the end of each sequence.

The manual is based on the modules of Fit for Green Cooling. After a workshop with Burkinabe stakeholders, they were translated into easy French and adapted to the needs of the INFPE. 

The INFPE has seven functional regional directorates with hundreds of students who will benefit from the textbook. 

In addition to this theoretical and sustainable contribution to the training of refrigeration technicians in Burkina Faso, the ROCA project has created a base of trainers and technicians who know how to use natural refrigerants. In total, ROCA has trained 150 trainers and more than 500 refrigeration technicians in the four project countries. Watch the video to find out more: 

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Funding Statement

ROCA is co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Republic of Germany. It is implemented by GIZ Proklima in cooperation with the National Ozone Units of Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, and Senegal.