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Event recording: How to successfully combine ODS phase-out and early actions on HFC?

Événement - OEWG & MOP , 27 juillet 2020, 11:41am UTC

Ex­pe­ri­ences from La­tin-Ame­ri­ca and the Car­ri­be­an within the SPODS project were presented during this virtual OEWG42 side event. 

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Recording in English (Spanish version below)

In 2017, representatives of the National Ozone Units from Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Grenada, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela came together to take on a common challenge: Avoiding the use of highly warming HFCs in their refrigeration and air conditioning sectors when phasing out ODS.

How well has this worked so far? What lessons can we learn from their experience? Find out more in this virtual panel discussion! SPODS partners share their experiences from various activities such as refrigerant grade hydrocarbon production, trainings for technicians on the safe handling of natural refrigerants and the development of mitigation strategies.

The panel discussion was held in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. Both recordings are available on this website. 

Date / Durée
27 juillet 2020, 11:41am UTC

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