With five trainings and over 60 participants in 2019 we have had another successful Cool Training year in Germany.
Technicians, policymakers in the field of ozone and climate protection, RAC experts and trainers from 48 countries have successfully completed the Training on the safe use of natural refrigerants at BFS Maintal. This year's highlights were another Training for National Ozone Units (NOUs) in Spanish and a Training for technicians in Portuguese. The "Cool Training" consists of a combination of theoretical and practical work focusing on the use of natural refrigerants, and involves field trips to innovative RAC enterprises in Germany. The training helps participants to gain a competitive edge over their peers by staying up-to-date on and working in accordance with current regulations and standards. By implementing and spreading their newly acquired skills in their home countries, they are promoting the use of green cooling technologies.
On behalf of the German BMZ, GIZ Proklima in cooperation with the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) Vocational Training Centre (Ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre)organizes the "Cool Trainings" series in Maintal, Germany.