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Meilleures pratiquesProduction conversion to natural refrigerants
The number of room air conditioners is rising quickly throughout the world and especially in developing countries with warm climates. According to IEA, there could be over 3.7 billion room ACs in use in 2050. Emissions from room air conditioning will increase dramatically. Besides the decarbonisation of energy supply, increasing the appliances’ energy efficiency and using climate-friendly natural refrigerants are the only way towards zero-carbon and “green” cooling. HEAT has supported a pioneering room AC production conversion project which was implemented by GIZ and funded by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The Indian manufacturer Godrej ozone- and climate-friendly natural refrigerant R290 and started selling it in 2012. HEAT experts provided technical support for the new product design with a special focus on energy efficient and safe operation. HEAT also supported the elaboration of technicians training regarding the safe handling of flammable refrigerants in this context. In several related projects, HEAT experts have assisted the conversion to natural refrigerants in the production of household refrigerators as well as to natural blowing agents in the production of foam. …
Événement - OEWG & MOP: 11 juillet 2024, 1:00pm - 3:00pm UTC-4 (Montreal) , OEWG46 Side Event: Accelerating the destruction of ODS waste: an open discussion on the role and lessons-learned of the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance
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Événement - OEWG & MOP: 08 juillet 2024, 1:00pm - 3:00pm UTC-4 (Montreal) , OEWG46 Side Event: Market trends on future-friendly ACs and heat pumps
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28/05/2024 Actualité Making Use of Natural Refrigerants to Phase Down of Climate-Damaging Refrigerants (HFCS) in Vietnam
In September 2019, Vietnam ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, committing to phasing down HFCs by 80% by 2045, starting in 2024. To support Vietnam in this transition of promoting the use of natural refrigerants and energy efficiency, the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) III project has implemented different interventions centered around three main areas: policy advise, technology transfer and capacity building. GCI III is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) under the International Climate Initiative (IKI).
Weston is a Colombian company that manufactures commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment that works with natural refrigerants (R290 and CO2) for a variety of customers in Central America, South America and the Carribean.It provides cutting-edge solutions for users that value customization, attention to detail, flexibility, ergonomics, energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. With its more than 60 years in the market and 600 direct employees it is able to provide ample experience, support and credibility so that businesses can improve their food quality, reduce operational costs and increase their environmental commitment. …
24/05/2024 Actualité Cool Training en ligne: désormais disponible en portugais et en arabe!
Vous voulez apprendre les bases de la réfrigération? Voulez-vous approfondir les caractéristiques des réfrigérants naturels? Rejoignez notre formation en ligne Cool Training sur en arabe, anglais, français, portugais ou espagnol!
09/2023 Publication - Technical PublicationRapport national sur l'efficacité énergétique des climatiseurs et réfrigérateurs au Burkina Faso
La demande d'électricité pourrait être considérablement réduite en améliorant l'efficacité énergétique. Cela aurait un double effet: une baisse des coûts pour les consommateurs et une réduction des émissions de CO2. Ce rapport recommande des mesures que le Burkina Faso pourrait prendre pour améliorer son efficacité énergétique dans le secteur de la refrigération et climatisation.
Événement: 20 juin 2024, 2:00pm UTC , NDC4 Webinar #7: Why Cooling Matters: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating the Cooling Sector into NDCs
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24/01/2024 Actualité Ghana: Green R290 ACs for Hospital bring Unexpected Side Effects
Ghana’s biggest hospital, Korle-Bu, was equipped with automatic voltage stabilizers and eco-friendly R290 (propane) air conditioners. However, a fire urged flexible actions.
06/06/2024 Actualité Bangladesh kicks off activities to promote Green Cooling
The Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) III successfully commenced its activities in Bangladesh with a workshop on “Transition towards a Greener Cooling Approach” in Dhaka on 09 May 2024. The workshop was hosted jointly by the Department of Environment (DoE) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) attended the event as Chief Guest.