Leading training institute for refrigeration and air conditioning experts.
For 40 years, Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) has been organising training courses, seminars and conferences in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning and renewable energy in support of Green Jobs, the Green Economy and the Green New Deal. Centro Studi Galileo has received the support of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Foreign Affairs, Economic Development and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for these activities.
Centro Studi Galileo, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Institute of Refrigeration (Paris) and the leading International Association of Refrigeration and Air conditioning (AREA) periodically organises conferences on the latest technologies in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. During these events, particular importance is given to F-gas reduction, new alternative refrigerants and systems and new European and International regulations and standards.
The International conferences have been organised biennially since 1983.
Centro Studi Galileo also publishes the International Special Issue (ISI) of Industria & Formazione namely ISI 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012/13.The magazine is published with UNEP and IIR, with an introduction from the UN Under-Secretary General, Achim Steiner, and the Italian Minister of the Environment. ISI has been distributed at the Climate change summits in Bangkok, New Delhi, Cancun and Doha and the summits of the Montreal protocol in Durban, Copenhagen and Geneva. At the summits, ISI was disseminated to the Ministers and Heads of State of the countries participating.
Pays: Italy

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