NDC4 Webinars

Accelerating climate action with cooling sector-related NDCs

The NDC4 webinar series shines light on the importance and potential of the cooling sector for more ambitious and enhanced NDCs and disseminates holistic mitigation approaches.

Cooling sector specific mitigation targets and measures can significantly contribute to achieving a country’s overall climate targets and therefore, need to be considered when defining and updating Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The global project Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change ll (C4 II (opens in a new window)) launches a webinar series to illustrate tools, methods and best practice examples for designing and implementing more ambitious NDCs in the cooling sector. 

Previous events:

Webinar #7: Why Cooling matters: A Step-by-step Guide to Integrating the Cooling Sector into NDCs (20 June 2024, 14-15pm UTC, English)

The refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector is responsible for up to 10% of global GHG emissions, stemming from refrigerant use (direct emissions) and the operation of the equipment using fossil-fuel based energy sources (indirect emissions). Reducing these emissions is important to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Green Cooling solutions exist for almost all RAC sub-sectors. They are very cost-efficient and therefore considered as “low-hanging fruits”.

This webinar will illustrate why it is crucial for countries to enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with Green Cooling solutions based on natural refrigerants and highly energy-efficient appliances and buildings. Moreover, this webinar will introduce existing tools to assess a country’s ambition level and provide guidelines to integrate and appropriately cover the cooling sector in an NDC.

Moderation: Tizian Pfeiffer


14:00 - 14:05Opening RemarksTizian Pfeiffer, GIZ Proklima
14:05 - 14:20Why the Cooling Sector matters for ambitious NDCsPaola Bustillos Castillo, GIZ Proklima
14:20 - 14:40Tools and guidance to assist in raising ambition in NDCs – a Live presentationIrene Papst, HEAT GmbH
14:40 - 15:00Cooling NDC Consultation hour All participants


Webinar #6: Leveraging the Cooling Sector for Ambitious NDCs: Policy Instruments and Holistic Mitigation Approaches in Grenada (12 April 2024, 14-15pm UTC, English)

In Grenada, cooling accounts for one-third of Grenada’s total greenhouse gas emissions and more than 60% of Grenada’s national electricity consumption.[1] Recognizing this, Grenada is at the forefront of advancing Green Cooling technologies to mitigate its environmental impact.

As the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector touches upon many policy aspects, its mainstreaming in the NDC process is key for the reduction of GHG emissions. From housing strategy to waste management and technicians’ capacities, implementation strategies require system thinking and buy-in from involved entities. This webinar will introduce policy instruments for addressing refrigerant and energy-related emissions share best practices from Grenada in leveraging the cooling sector for ambitious climate action.

Moderation: Maja Schmauser 



14:00 - 14:05Opening RemarksMarion Geiss, Head of Pro-jects, GIZ Grenada
14:05 - 14:10Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II)Jiminy Scott, Technical Advi-sor, GIZ Grenada
14:10 - 14:20Policy Instruments for Addressing Refrigerant and Energy-related EmissionsIrene Papst, HEAT GmbH
14:20 - 14:40Insights into Grenada's strategies for leveraging the cooling sector to enhance its NDCs: processes, challenges and achievementsLeslie Smith, National Ozone Officer, Grenada
14:40 - 15:00Questions & AnswersAll participants



Webinar #5: Financing Green Cooling – Opportunities for Financial Institutions (31 October 2023, 11am - 12pm CET, English)

One of the challenges to achieve a sustainable transformation of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector is the provision and effective deployment of finance to enable a widespread uptake of Green Cooling appliances. As a significant portion of the target audience lacks the financial means for upfront investment, financial solutions are needed to facilitate the acquisition of Green Cooling appliances. Financial institutions can play a pivotal role by bridging the gap by offering financial products, such as green loans, that enable customers to acquire and install Green Cooling appliances without a burdensome initial payment. This approach can accelerate the transition to Green Cooling by making it more accessible and affordable. 

This webinar delved into the key principles of Green Cooling and explore the opportunities associated with promoting eco-friendly finance solutions for Green Cooling. Furthermore, the webinar illustrated how financial institutions can embed Green Cooling into the wider context of the Sustainable Finance Agenda. Ultimately, the speakers presented a structured, stepwise approach for the development of a Green Cooling loan product.

Moderation: Maja Schmauser, GIZ Proklima 



11:00 - 11:10

Opening RemarksGIZ Proklima
11:10 - 11:20Overview: Financing mitigation measures in the cooling sectorLukas Kahlen,
New Climate Institute
11:20 - 11:30Financing Green Cooling: What are potential roles, opportunities and risks for financial institutions?Lukas Kahlen,
New Climate Institute
11:30 - 11:45Using credit lines to foster green lending in the cooling sectorSanna Stockstrom, KfW Development Bank
11:45 - 12:00Questions & Answers

All participants

Webinar #4: Cool MRV: Combining emissions reporting with enforcement of standards and labelling for cooling products in Latin America and the Caribbeans (04 August 2023, 14:00 – 15:00 UTC, Spanish)

When it comes to climate action in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, effective measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of emissions is crucial and required under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as well as advisable under the Montreal Protocol (MP) and its Kigali Amendment. An MRV system forms the basis for developing and implementing effective mitigation strategies for the cooling sector. The challenge: data collection is often not systematic and the MRV approach is not clear.

This webinar provided an overview on how an effective MRV system for the cooling sector can look like and will demonstrate United For Efficiency’s (U4E) activities on Product Registration Systems to enforce standards and labels for cooling products and will also present a free of charge prototype.

Moderation: Adolfo Cordoba Rodriguez, GIZ Proklima

Time (UTC)TopicSpeaker
14:00-14:05Opening RemarksGIZ Proklima
14:05-14:25NDCs, National Inventories and the Montreal Protocol: Understanding MRV in the cooling sectorIrene Papst & Martin Brown-Santirso, HEAT GmbH
14:25-14:40Importance of Product Registration Systems and U4E prototype for application in countries

Madeleine Edl & Miquel Pitarch,U4E 

14:40-15:00Questions & AnswersAll participants

Webinar #3: Combining emissions reporting with enforcement of energy standards and labelling for cooling products (11 May 2023, 9:30-10:30 CEST)

When it comes to climate action in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, effective measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of emissions is crucial and required under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as well as under the Montreal Protocol (MP) and its Kigali Amendment

Emissions from the refrigeration sector are made up of two parts: 1/3 are direct emissions from the use of refrigerants. 2/3 are indirect emissions resulting from the energy consumption of the products. Both direct and indirect emissions can be drastically reduced by switching to natural refrigerants and increasing energy efficiency, and the corresponding reductions can be accounted for in a country's NDC. An MRV system forms the basis for developing and implementing effective mitigation strategies. The challenge: data collection is often not systematic and the MRV approach is not clear.

This webinar provided an overview on how an effective MRV system for the cooling sector can look like and demonstrated how the Philippines combines emissions reporting with the enforcement of energy standards and labelling for cooling productsas part of their Energy Labeling Program (PELP).


Welcome RemarksGIZ Proklima
NDCs, National Inventories and the Montreal Protocol: Understanding MRV in the cooling sectorIrene Papst, Heat GmbH
Philippine Energy Labeling Program (PELP) Aaron Premacio, Energy Performance Regulation and Enforcement Division, Energy Utilization and Management Bureau Philippines
Making use of product registration databases for RAC MRVMaraida Licerio, GIZ Proklima
Questions & AnswersAll participants

Webinar #2: Benchmarking the level of ambition of cooling sector-related measures included in NDCs (13 December 2022, 2-3 pm CET)

The second webinar introduced the benchmarking tool developed together with the guideline Raising ambition in NDCs through holistic mitigation approaches in the cooling sector – Guidance for policymakers (opens in a new window). The guideline intends to provide political decision makers with a step-by-step guidance on how to integrate and appropriately cover the cooling sector in an NDC. This is complemented by benchmarking tool that aims at enabling decision-makers to do a self-analysis on the level of ambition of cooling sector-related measures included in the current or future updated NDCs.


Welcome RemarksPhilipp Denzinger, GIZ Proklima
Overview of the objective and approach of the NDC guidelinesDaniela Laßmann, Perspectives Climate Group
Presentation of the benchmarking tool for cooling-sector related NDCsIrene Papst, HEAT GmbH
Questions & AnswersAll participants

Webinar #1: NDC4 Call for Proposals: Raising ambition in NDCs with Green Cooling (22 November 2022, 2-3 pm CET)

The first webinar did provide guidance on how to apply for the NDC4 Call for Proposals (opens in a new window) which provides technical advisory to ambitious countries in the application of best practices for NDC strategy development in the cooling sector. Examples presented by the project coordinators were used to illustrate what the activities can look like in practice. In the following you find all information presented to the audience.


Welcome RemarksGIZ Proklima
Overview of current status and activities of C4 IIGIZ Proklima

NDC4 Call for Proposals:

• Application procedure

• Examples of possible activities that can be supported

Irene Papst, HEAT GmbH
Questions & AnswersAll participants


In case of any questions, please contact: ndc4@giz.de

About the project

The global project Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change ll (C4 II) is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) under the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

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