Green Coo­ling In­itia­ti­ve

The Green Cooling Initiative contributes to raising international awareness of the significant mitigation potential associated with environmentally- and climate-friendly cooling technologies. It focuses on cooperation with partner countries across the world to support their efforts in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from cooling equipment and employing the Green Cooling concept. Among others, there are three "frontrunner partners": Thailand, Vietnam, Kenya, Uganda, Colombia, Honduras.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

The Green Cooling Initiative aims to integrate and promote the RAC sector within global climate and ozone discussions, namely UNFCCC and Montreal Protocol. It recognises that exchange between technology suppliers and users, as well as between the industry, public institutions and civil society is important for the promotion of said technologies. One of the main goals is therefore to create global and regional networks with representatives from different sectors (see Network).


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Targeted policy advice based on Cooling Strategies will support partner countries in the implementation of cooling technology standards and measures, whilst capacity building will allow them to sustainably manage their technology transformations. Voluntary private sector contributions will increase transformational readiness and will generate public-private partnerships. Proposals to financing institutions can provide replicable funding models and instruments to facilitate access to Green Cooling technology.


The phase-out and phase-down of F-gases and the increase in energy efficiency in the RAC sector make it easier to achieve ambitious NDCs, which were defined by UNFCCC COP21 as the basis for global GHG emission savings. So far, Ghana is one of the few African countries that has integrated F-gases into its NDC to a limited extent. GCI advised Ghana on this by drawing up a GHG inventory of the RAC sector, on the basis of which a Cooling Strategy for emission reduction measures was drafted.

La­test Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons

Vac­ci­na­ti­on tool "em­mu­ni­ze" achie­ves next mi­les­to­ne

01.03.2020 , News :

In 2018, the digital vaccination management tool emmunize was selected to participate in the accelerator programme by the GIZ Innovation Fund.

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In December 2019, they reached the next level: After a maturation phase, the team of emmunize received the great news to get further financial support from the innovation fund. GIZ’s Innovation Fund is an intrapreneurial programme which identifies innovative digital ideas. In a yearly competition, the Innovation Fund is looking for innovative ideas with the potential to advance the international cooperation. Promising projects are supported in their development, maturation and piloting.

Together with a team of GIZ colleagues, Proklima submitted the idea of a digital vaccination reminder to the Fund in 2018. The Innovation Fund saw the potential and selected the team to participate in its accelerator programme. At the end of the Accelerator Programme, two ideas were chosen by the Innovation Fund’s jury for further support. Now, emmunize successfully completed the maturation phase and is ready for the next step: piloting the tool under realistic circumstances. 

It supports health workers in executing their mobile outreaches aiming to improve vaccination services in remote and underserved communities. Worldwide still one in five children misses out on lifesaving vaccines, children living in underserved and remote communities are the ones especially affected. The emmunize team aims to change that and wants to improve the immunization rate in these areas.

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