Green Coo­ling In­itia­ti­ve

The Green Cooling Initiative contributes to raising international awareness of the significant mitigation potential associated with environmentally- and climate-friendly cooling technologies. It focuses on cooperation with partner countries across the world to support their efforts in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from cooling equipment and employing the Green Cooling concept. Among others, there are three "frontrunner partners": Thailand, Vietnam, Kenya, Uganda, Colombia, Honduras.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

The Green Cooling Initiative aims to integrate and promote the RAC sector within global climate and ozone discussions, namely UNFCCC and Montreal Protocol. It recognises that exchange between technology suppliers and users, as well as between the industry, public institutions and civil society is important for the promotion of said technologies. One of the main goals is therefore to create global and regional networks with representatives from different sectors (see Network).


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Targeted policy advice based on Cooling Strategies will support partner countries in the implementation of cooling technology standards and measures, whilst capacity building will allow them to sustainably manage their technology transformations. Voluntary private sector contributions will increase transformational readiness and will generate public-private partnerships. Proposals to financing institutions can provide replicable funding models and instruments to facilitate access to Green Cooling technology.


The phase-out and phase-down of F-gases and the increase in energy efficiency in the RAC sector make it easier to achieve ambitious NDCs, which were defined by UNFCCC COP21 as the basis for global GHG emission savings. So far, Ghana is one of the few African countries that has integrated F-gases into its NDC to a limited extent. GCI advised Ghana on this by drawing up a GHG inventory of the RAC sector, on the basis of which a Cooling Strategy for emission reduction measures was drafted.

La­test Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons

Ke­nya laun­ches the Green Coo­ling In­itia­ti­ve III

11.08.2022 , News :

On May 11 the Kick Off workshop of the GCI III was held in Kenya. This session served to discuss with stakeholders the objectives of the new phase of the project, which aims to put Kenya at the forefront of green cooling technologies in East and Central Africa.

© giz/ Kyalo Musyoka  (opens enlarged image)
Participants after Kick Off worshop 

GIZ Proklima in collaboration with the National Ozone Unit (NOU) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Kenya organized a one-day Kick Off workshop for the GCI III project at FairView Hotel Nairobi Kenya. The workshop focused on presenting the GCI III objectives to key stakeholders for discussion with the aim to jointly agree on project plans, have good understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the relevant stakeholders/ organization/persons the project intends to work with during the project term.

The meeting was attended by stakeholders from public and private institutions.  Thematic areas addressed were as follows: measures on policy, standards, finance, technology transfer, Qualification, Certification and Registration (QCR). The participants agreed that QCR for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) technicians will bring an aspect of continuous training, make levels of knowledge of technicians measurable and give Kenya an overview of trained workers and their certification status.

Mr. Kirui (NOU Coordinator) gave the opening remarks on behalf of the Director Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), Ministry of Environment and Forestry. During the opening session he mentioned the collaborative work that has taken place over the years with the Green Cooling Initiative in Kenya. Ms. Ines Josten of GIZ Proklima gave an overview of the project’s global approach while Ms. Juliet Cheruto also from GIZ presented the country proposed activities under the GCI III for the project duration.

During the workshop, participants were divided into two working groups for an in-depth discussion. Group 1 looked at measures on policy, standards, finance and technology transfer while Group 2 worked on the Qualification, Certification and Registration (QCR)

Mr. Marindanyi Kirui's concluding remarks emphasized once again the importance of Kenya being at the leading edge of Green Cooling technologies in the region.

GCI in Ke­nya

GIZ Proklima through the Green Cooling Initiative, implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, has been working with the National Ozone Unit under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on policy advice, technology transfer and capacity building in Kenya since 2012. This country is considered the backbone of East and Central Africa, therefore it is expected to be one of the pioneers of green refrigeration technologies in the region.

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