Ozone Protection Fund

Supporting developing and emerging countries in meeting their obligations of the Montreal Protocol – this is the aim of Proklima’s ozone protection projects within the Multilateral Fund (MLF). Therefore, Proklima currently offers individual services for more than 10 countries.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

We have been supporting our partner countries with the development and implementation of their HCFC Phase-Out Management Plans (HPMP) since the 1990s. Due to the Kigali Amendment, more and more projects are concentrating on the HFC phase-down (Kigal Implementation Plans, KIPs). Furthermore, we support energy efficiency projects. Proklima’s activities include policy advice, trainings on the safe handling of natural refrigerants, technology transfer, and recommendations for the recovery and recycling of HCFCs and HFCs.

The activities are conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in conjunction with the German Ozone Fund.

Proklima realised more than 280 bilateral ozone protection projects within the Multilateral fund.

The Multilateral Fund was set up for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and is dedicated to reversing the deterioration of the Earth's ozone layer. The main objective is to assist developing country parties whose annual level of consumption of ODS, CFCs and halons is less than 0.3 kilograms per capita (Article 5 countries) to comply with the control measures of the Protocol.

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Iran: Natural foam blowing agents on the rise

29.11.2021 , News :

HFC-free technologies are increasingly being used as blowing agents for insulating foam. A group of experts discussed the topic at a workshop.

(opens enlarged image)Shutterstock / Canetti

On 23 November 2021, the online workshop "Development of foam activities and training update" was held in Iran. It was organized by GIZ Proklima and included nearly 50 participants from the National Ozone Unit, beneficiaries, commercial and domestic refrigeration technicians, UNDP and UNIDO representatives. The focus was on the implementation of activities and trainings on foam in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The workshop started with a short welcome by the GIZ Proklima Programme Manager Bernhard Siegele, followed by Dr Ebrahim Hajizadeh (Director of the National Ozone Unit), UNDP and UNIDO representatives. In about 4 hours the following topics were discussed:

  • the development of all-water-blown integral skin foam,
  • the development of environmentally friendly pre-blended polyol and pentane for the commercial sector,
  • the selection of injection holes for foaming in refrigeration cabinets and the flow path of the foam.

Later, two well-known Iranian system house companies, Kaboodan chimie (opens in a new window) and Mokarrar (opens in a new window), gave a comprehensive presentation with a video clip on physical and chemical foam tests.

Background: Global foam production

Global foam production is constantly growing as demand for insulation foams for buildings and appliances rises. Proper insulation of buildings is one of the most effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions and is considered an important means to achieving more energy-efficient design for commercial and domestic buildings in the future. In the past, HFCs have been widely used as insulation foam blowing agents. The problem: they are highly damaging to the environment.

For many foam applications, HFC-free technologies have already been successfully implemented and are now widely recognised as suitable, cost-efficient blowing agents in industrialised and many developing countries. Beside water-blown blowing agents, hydrocarbons are now preferred in the manufacturing of refrigeration appliances in many regions and are entering other applications.

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