RAC NAMA Thailand

The project promotes climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling technologies in Thailand, with a special focus on domestic refrigerators, commercial refrigerators, air-conditioners, and chillers. Its first phase ended in July 2021.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

Nowadays, the use of refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) technologies accounts for approximately 50% of the electricity consumed in Thailand. Without effective intervention, the growing energy demand for cooling is projected to double by 2030. As the RAC sector is also one of the country’s largest greenhouse gases (GHG) emitters, reducing emissions from this sector will be key to help Thailand achieve its ambitious GHG mitigation targets of 20-25% by 2030.

At the same time, Thailand is an important industrial hub in the global RAC sector. To remain competitive, producers need to be well prepared to adjust to the changing requirements driven by international agreements. Consequently, their challenge will be to produce highly energy-efficient and climate-friendly technologies.

Facts RAC Thailand


RAC NAMA Thailand wants to reach the following goals:

  • Thailand receives support to achieve its energy saving and greenhouse gases mitigation targets.
  • Companies that produce refrigerators and air-conditioners stay competitive against imports. They improve the energy efficiency of their products and get to know new technologies.
  • Technicians learn important new skills that prepare them for the future.
  • Consumers have a wider choice of energy-efficient products and can save money on their electricity bills.


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Introduction to Green Cooling (Thai with english subtitles)

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Training on safe maintenance and repair practices for domestic refrigeration

01.03.2020 , News :

In the framework of the NAMA Support Project "Colombian NAMA for the domestic refrigeration sector", the Ozone Technical Unit (UTO) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Minambiente) and GIZ, organized a five-day training on safe servicing practices of domestic fridges containing R-600a.

From 02 to 06 December 2019, 17 service technicians of the three national producers, two evaluators and two trainers of the national training institute (SENA) participated in the training-of-trainers and got all necessary practical and theoretical skills to replicate this training. Topics included inter alia best practices for brazing and pressing, refrigerant venting procedures, repairs to electrical components, pressure testing with nitrogen.

In Colombia there are three national domestic fridge producers: CHALLENGER, HACEB and MABE. The three producers have already converted their production lines to R-600a and the project is advising them on safety related aspects during production and servicing processes. Training technicians on how to handle the natural refrigerant R-600a during servicing is key to ensure that safety measures are being implemented and no incidents occur.

The training content will be used to develop a guideline on the safe use of R-600a in the domestic refrigeration sector in Colombia and to replicate the training in six major Colombian cities. These activities will ensure that all service technicians of the three national producers will be trained and, in the end, aware of the big advantages but also the flammability of R-600a.