At this years´ MOP29 in Montreal in November, over 50 participants from policy, private sector and civil society followed the GIZ Proklima side event invitation and gathered to look beyond the achievements of the Montreal Protocol in the cooling sector.
2017 marks the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol - one of the world’s most successful environmental agreements. Yet, while it successfully phased out ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and was recently amended in Kigali to tackle fast growing greenhouse gas emissions from HFCs, recent global trends clearly show that we cannot afford to rest on these achievements.
The demand for cooling equipment is growing rapidly, especially in developing countries, and global warming has become a reality. Meeting the Paris Agreement’s to keep global warming below 2-degree in 2050 and the SDGs require a focused approach to sustainable cooling. During the event, mitigation strategies and innovative initiatives in the cooling sector were showcased, including renewable energy supplies, building designs, low-carbon lifestyles and the adoption of cooling technologies that go beyond replacing high-GWP - with low-GWP refrigerants. The presentations can be found here (abre en una nueva ventana)!