GIZ Proklima organized a training session from 23 to 25 April 2019, in partnership with the National Ozone Unit within the National Agency of Environment Protection (ANPE).
This session took place at the sectoral maintenance training centre in Nabeul for the benefit of 23 trainers from 6 sectoral vocational training centres (Tunis, Nabeul, Kairouan, Tabarka, Sfax et Djerba). Through this training, participants were able to acquire know-how in the field of good practices for the recovery, recycling and regeneration (RRR) of refrigerants made of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). In addition, the training focused on the use of natural refrigerants as alternatives to CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants. In this sense, it was an opportunity to train participants on safe handling and maintenance measures, safety standards as well as risk assessment and international legislation and standards related to the use of natural refrigerants.
This session follows a first session organized in February for the benefit of 28 trainers. Thus, the project will have strengthened the capacities of 51 Tunisian trainers on RRR good practices and the use of natural refrigerants. These sessions were organized with the support of ODS Bank Management Project funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through its International Climate Initiative (IKI). (abre en una nueva ventana)