Introduced by Shecco in 2009, the Natural Voice is a global statement open to industry, associations, non-profit organizations and individuals supporting the potential of natural refrigerants in replacing potent greenhouse gases. At present, the Natural Voice has 109 signatories from a range of sectors and industries. The statement will be presented to national governments and international climate negotiators in the near future to build the basis for developing natural refrigerant initiatives around the world. The Natural Voice demands national governments to remove (inter)national trade barriers and to revise safety standards, codes and legislation that restrict the use of natural refrigerants without merit. Furthermore, it calls upon national governments to provide (non-) financial support for the research and promotion of natural refrigerants, and to facilitate the technology transfer from developed to developing countries.
MiembroGIZ Proklima
Promoting green cooling technologies worldwide On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear...