Transferring scientific and technical knowledge to the energy business sector
CIRCE, founded with the support of the University of Zaragoza, creates and develops innovative solutions and knowledge in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Responding to the needs of national and international producers, CIRCE contributes to sustainable development. It is based in a Zero Emission Building with substantially lowered cooling needs compared to conventional buildings.
País: Spain

Ejemplos de buenas prácticas
Buenas prácticasProject: SuperSmart: EU-wide energy efficient and climate-friendly supermarkets
SuperSmart is an EU-wide project advancing the use of more energy efficient refrigeration, heating and cooling appliances in Europe’s supermarkets by addressing all stakeholders involved in driving the uptake of more...
Buenas prácticasProduct: CIRCE Biomass Trigeneration
Direct fired biomass absorption cooling unit Biomass trigeneration allows for combined cooling, heating and power generation. Using solid biofuels on a small scale decentralizes biomass consumption and decreases...