Green Cooling Initiative

Member Detail

Company Subsectores: Chillers, Commercial Refrigeration, Domestic refrigeration, Industrial Refrigeration, Mobile air conditioning, Transport Refrigeration, Unitary air conditioning

How can the right choice of technology help protect the environment? Which policies can countries chose to enter a climate-friendly pathway? How to reverse ozone layer depletion? In times of climate emergency, HEAT provides advisory services as well as capacity building for the future. With a history of supporting Germany, as well as developing countries and economies in transition in their fight against the depletion of the earth’s protective ozone layer, the sustainable transition of the refrigeration and cooling sector is still at the core of our work. In particular, we provide emission inventories and mitigation pathways, advice on the development of policies, regulations and standards, as well as engineering services. We passionately develop capacity building and training to anchor knowledge on climate-friendly and energy-efficient technologies in our project partners’ countries and institutions. HEAT has implemented more than 300 projects in over 25 years. Our 40 staff members and experts currently assist projects in 30 countries.

País: Germany

Ejemplos de buenas prácticas