Best practice examples

Pro­duct: Air-coo­led chil­ler

Subsectors: Chillers

The GA-2 KO-1-N-200 is a highly efficient air-cooled chiller that produces cold water for industrial processes using the natural refrigerant ammonia (R717). By using high quality components and a natural refrigerant, the chiller achieves an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of 4.94. This in turn reduces the operating costs and increases the machine’s lifetime. Moreover, ammonia is characterized by a global warming potential (GWP) of 0, such that it is not affected by the F-Gas regulation and its phase down schedule. By choosing a system that runs on a natural refrigerant without global warming potential (GWP), the consumer is actively contributing to environmentally friendly cooling. Refrigerant: R717 Cooling capacity: 200 kW Energy efficiency rating: EER 4,94


  • Member GCM - Ger­man Chil­ler Ma­nu­fac­tu­rer

    Manufacturer of reliable and flexible highly efficient chiller solutions The German Chiller Manufacturer (GCM) designs and develops highly energy efficient chillers using natural refrigerants. Due to the EU Regulation...