List of members
Results 11 to 20 of 213
MemberAqua Services, C.A.
Aqua Services is an HVAC service company from Venezuela. For several years, the company has been working with R-290 and R-600 in a selection of refrigeration systems, air conditioners and chillers. In addition, refrigeration technicians have been trained in the use of natural refrigerants together with FONDOIN, a UNIDO organisation in Venezuela. …
MemberArea Cooling Solutions
We are AREA. Since 1986 at your side for HVAC and Refrigeration projects. Innovation, sustainability and service are at the heart of everything we do. Over 13 years experience in inverter driven applications. Remote control and preventive maintenance features. Over 14,000 iCOOLTM units operating worldwide. Solutions for natural refrigerants, including CO2 and R290. First concepts of iCOOLTM CO2 were completed in 2016. We support our partners. We have developed the Areacademy and the Green Tech Hub: a competence center for CO2 and inverter technology. …
MemberArneg Group
Arneg Group as an international leader in the design, manufacture and installation of complete equipment for the retail sector, believing in high sustainability evolving hand in hand with intelligent technologies. Interacting with the environment, society and its customers, Arneg aims to a continually improving quality of life and, as a fundamental part of this project, works on sustainable and energy-efficient cooling solutions using natural refrigerants. …
MemberAssociation Algerienne des acteurs du froid et de la climatisation
Nous sommes une association representant tous les acteurs du froid et de la climatisation en Algerie, afin de promouvoir le froid et le développement durable dans le pays. Nous sommes favorables pour la technologie alternative utilisant les fluides frigorigenes naturels tels que le CO2, le NH3 et le R290 dans les installations frigorifiques dans le domaine du froid et de la climatisation. …
MemberAustralian Refrigeration Association
Promoting the transition to safe, efficient and sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning technologies The Australian Refrigeration Association (ARA) works to promote the transition of the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) industry to the adoption of safe, efficient and sustainable technology and management practices. ARAs goal is that the RAC industry, in collaboration with government and all industry stakeholders, adopts a comprehensive strategy to increase energy efficiency and reduce refrigerant and greenhouse gas emissions in all RAC sectors. …
MemberB P Refcool
Incorporated in 2015 with manufacturing of high capacity oil-less refrigerant recovery machines, B P Refcool has today multiple products to make life easier and safer for HVAC&R professionals. Their products are designed for the best performance, safe operations and ease of maintenance. B P Refcool is committed to serve its customers by providing innovative, user friendly, safer, sustainable tools and equipment. It is working on low global warming potential refrigerants including HFOs and CO2 based refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. …
MemberBaltimore Aircoil Company
For over 75 years now, BAC develops technology and offers sustainable products in advance of new industry demands for air conditioning, district cooling, industrial refrigeration and industrial process cooling applications. BAC is a worldwide manufacturer and market leader of evaporative open and closed cooling towers, hybrid and adiabatic coolers, evaporative condensers and ice thermal storage products. BAC serves a broad range of markets and applications. Our HVAC systems can be found in hospitals, schools, office buildings and data centers. BAC produces refrigeration for breweries, food processing plants, cold storage warehouses and supermarkets. BAC serves the industrial market, such as steel, pharmaceutical, power generation and petrochemical applications. Thousands of installations globally installed in all of these markets proof that BAC is a global and reliable supplier of heat transfer equipment. BAC continuously invests in the development of sustainable new technologies which enhance cooling efficiency, conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and improve the quality of the environment. The R&D laboratory is highly advanced and exclusively engaged in developing and testing evaporative cooling systems and installations for thermal storage. BAC has more than 1000 patents registered. All in the field of heat transfer technology. The BAC cooling towers were the first to be CTI certified. Also in Europe BAC was the first to take a leading role to create a thermal certification program for evaporative cooling equipment. As a company BAC also sets a vision of a sustainable future. BAC wants to meet their targets by integrating sustainability in what they do and how they do it, making it a central focus of their activities. This is reflected in five long term sustainability commitments which are explained on the BAC sustainability website. …
MemberBangladesh - Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Ensure sustainable environmental governance for achieving high quality of life for the benefit of present and future generation. DoE’s mission is to help secure a clean and healthy environment for the benefit of present and future generations: Through the fair and consistent application of environmental rules and regulations Through guiding, training, and promoting awareness of environmental issues; and Through sustainable action on critical environmental problems that demonstrate practical solutions, and that galvanize public support and involvement. …
MemberBelarusian RAC Association of Microclimate and Cold Industry Enterprises “APIMH”
Belarusian RAC Association of Microclimate and Cold Industry Enterprises “APIMH” was created in 2001. We unite organizations and companies that work in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector. Scientific and educational organizations that prepare professionals for the refrigeration industry are in ranks of our members too. The association has set itself the task to improve the conditions for refrigeration industry enterprises in Belarus; the introduction of new standards; improve the quality of products and services; and the training of professionals. An important task of "APIMH" is the preparation of the refrigeration industry for adoption of the standards and regulations of the WTO and EU. In order to protect the domestic market from unfair competition and low-quality products, and increasing the level and efficiency of enterprises, the Association begins the voluntary certification enterprises in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning industry in 2013. Our experts conduct independent technical expertise. They also provide professional advice on application of refrigeration technology and equipment. …
MemberBITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH
Compressors (piston, screw & scroll) and Condensing Units for energy efficient and climate-friendly systems in commercial and industrial refrigeration, air-conditioning and the transport sector. The BITZER Group has been making a contribution to the HVAC&R sector with innovative products and services for 80 years. They are the world’s largest independent manufacturer of refrigeration compressors and their products maintain the optimum temperatures on buses, trains, supermarkets, cold stores and in buildings. Perfection and precision shape BITZER’s operations – and efficiency and sustainability their way of thinking. With specialist skills BITZER promotes sustainable development in compressor technology and fulfils their responsibility as a market leader. …