DIGECA is an instance of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
DIGECA is an instance of the Ministry of Environment and Energy in charge of attending the so-called "coffee agenda", which is responsible for pollution issues from a preventive perspective. Therefore, DIGECA promotes environmental management (through voluntary mechanisms and regulations) in order to guarantee that activities, works and projects, both public and private, are framed within a vision of sustainable development.
Design and implement the conceptual, technical and legal tools for the definition of strategies and public policies on environmental quality that favor the prevention, mitigation and reversal of water, air and soil resource degradation. Also, establish the monitoring and control mechanisms that guarantee compliance with these. For this, we work on the basis of a consolidated inter-institutional coordination platform, based on principles of transparency, dialogue and participation, contributing to the country's sustainable development.
General Objective
Promote improvement in environmental quality and pollution prevention through the design and implementation of tools and technical and legal instruments of environmental management that promote sustainable production and consumption in the various sectors of society, thus contributing to achieve the development sustainable in the country.
Country: Costa Rica