Green Cooling Initiative

Member Detail

Green Cooling network

Isamu Refri-Electricals

Company Subsectors: Chillers, Commercial Refrigeration, Domestic refrigeration, Industrial Refrigeration

Isamu Refri-Electricals is a registered company under Companies Act (cap 486). The company is a locally owned which was registered in 1994 and incorporated in the year 2020.

It is a company licensed as:

Refrigeration Services & sales,
Air Conditioning Sales & services and
Electricals Installation Services.

Isamu Refri-Electricals has been working with natural refrigerants for five years. From our experience and the feedback we have gathered, natural refrigerants have proven to be efficient and effective. We always recommend and champion for the use of natural refrigerants due to their proven efficiency.

The company is also registered with National Construction Authority (NCA) under Mechanical and Building Classes (all in Category 4).

Country: Kenya