The Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU researches a variety of topics regarding climate-friendly cooling:
Refrigeration and heat pump technology in general.
CO2 technology for various applications; supermarkets, industrial heat pumps, transport refrigeration.
System design for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, (stationary and automotive).
Compressor, Ejector and compact heat exchanger technology.
Working fluids, with emphasis on natural working fluids, CO2 NH3 and hydrocarbons.
Life Cycle Climate Performance of various energy systems.
Country: Norway

Best Practices
Best PracticeR&D on refrigeration and heat pump systems applying natural working fluids
Education of next generation of engineers within refrigeration processes including thermal energy storage technologies.
Best PracticeCO2 systems for supermarkets and hotels in Southern Europe - MultiPACK
MultiPACK aims at demonstrating the performance and efficiency of the next generation of standardised integrated cooling and heating packages for commercial and public buildings based on environment-friendly carbon...