Plug & Play solar and district cooling systemsPurix believes that the use of cooling and air conditioning should be a pleasant and environmentally friendly experience. Their response is a range of cooling and air conditioning systems made for people, powered by the sun or district heating.
Many spaces in everyday life make use of air conditioning systems for creating a comfortable environment. The user experience can be less pleasant due to noisy and electricity consuming products supplying an uncomfortable chilly stream of dry air.
Purix assists in responding to global environmental challenges at the local level by supplying attractive solar air conditioning units. Solar heat and pure water are the essential active ingredients to make the environment comfortable. In addition to providing an agreeable indoor climate, getting cooled by the sun is sustainable and reduces costs and climate emissions.
Country: Denmark

Best Practices
Best PracticeProduct: Green tomorrow, comfortable today- the PURIX A25 split district cooling system
The PURIX A25 split system converts low-temperature heat sources into cooling. Substituting expensive electricity with cheap and low-quality energy sources to generate cooling is a unique opportunity to turn district...
Best PracticeProduct: Green tomorrow, comfortable today- the PURIX A25s split solar cooling system
The PURIX A25s split solar cooling system is powered by solar energy and operates with 100% natural refrigerants. By replacing conventional, expensive electricity for absorption cooling with solar heating, the PURIX A25s...