Green Cooling Initiative

Member Detail

Green Cooling network

SAR­DA, Sou­thern Af­ri­can Ref­ri­ge­ra­ted Dis­tri­bu­ti­on As­so­cia­ti­on

Non-Government or Multilateral Organisation

SARDA is an organisation aiming at connecting all sectors in the cold chain industry including suppliers of equipment and services used by those companies that form the cold chain.
SARDA aims to create a communication forum for all cold chain role players to address matters of common interest and to keep abreast of latest technological development.
The organisation promotes and upholds quality standards and acts as a mouthpiece on behalf of the industry on legislative matters. SARDA provides a platform for recognition of those key players committed to upholding quality standards in the cold chain industry in South Africa. SARDA aims to Promote a better co-operation between all role players in the cold chain with the benefits of reducing losses of perishables to a minimum and to provide the consumer with quality products, which are safe to eat.

Country: South Africa

Best Practices