Green Cooling Initiative

Member Detail

Green Cooling network

Togo - Direction de l’Environnement

Government Institution

Ministry of Environment

The mission of the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF) is to:

enforce the state’s policies on the management of environmental and forest resources;
elaborate rules on the protection of the environment, prevent pollution, natural hazards and disasters;
monitor the implementation and compliance with international environmental conventions, as well as the provisions of the framework law on the environment, the forest code and the law on preventing risks from biotechnology;
monitor the integration of environmental concerns into the various sectoral policies and national development strategies;
develop means of support and supervision of populations and other stakeholders in the context of reforestation and forest management;
inform transboundary police on the movements of chemical and dangerous substances.

Bureau national ozone/National Ozone Unit

The main objective of the project is to develop expertise and increase the technical capacity of national institutions to reduce and/or phase out the consumption of controlled substances, including ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases targeted by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
Concretely, the National Office will work for the elimination of HCFCs within the framework of the implementation of the Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Phase out Management Plan /Plans de Gestion et d’Elimination des Hydrochlorofluorocarbones/ (HPMP/PGEH) put in place by Togo; Honor the country's obligations in order to meet the deadline for the total elimination of HCFCs by 2030; Take the necessary measures for the implementation of the Kigali Amendment (KIP) etc.
(Contact: Vidémé Amèh DJOSSOU, Coordinator)

Country: Togo