Nine international RAC technicians and fifteen international RAC policy makers have successfully completed their "Cool Training"! They are now competent in the safe handling and policy frameworks of natural refrigerants. By implementing and spreading their newly acquired skills in their home countries, they are promoting the use of green cooling technologies.
"My daily work will be signficantly improved through the hands-on training regarding the soldering and brazing of alloys with special fluxes on oil and water basis. Furthermore, the leak detection training for the flammable refrigerant R290 left me with great confidence." Otonye Krizette Adda, Cool Training Participant 2017
The "Cool Training" consists of a combination of theoretical and practical work, and involves excursions to innovative RAC enterprises in Germany. The training courses help participants to gain a competitive edge over their peers by staying up-to-date on and working in accordance with current regulations and standards, while at the same time leap-frogging unsustainable technologies and climate damaging refrigerants.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ (opens in a new window)), GIZ Proklima in cooperation with the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) Vocational Training Centre organizes these "Cool Trainings" in Maintal, Germany.
For more information please contact Nicole Mueller.