Despite particular challenges in 2020, the HCFC phase-out activities ran on as best they could. We have asked our Proklima team involved in the HPMP projects around the globe about their highlights and prospects for the new year.
“One of my highlights was the meeting with our African partner NOUs in Nairobi in February this year”, says Birgit Mayer. She is coordinating the GIZ Proklima’s HPMP activities in Africa. The goal of this meeting was to strengthen the network between African NOUs who are implementing HPMPs, Enabling Activities or future HFC Phase-Down Projects with GIZ and to plan the activities for the year 2020. An objective that has clearly been achieved: “We received very positive feedback from our partner NOUs for the meeting. I am very happy about the excellent cooperation enabling us to maintain our activities despite these exceptional circumstances.”
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, some trainings for RAC technicians could take place despite the adverse conditions. “In cooperation with UN agencies, we also provided technical consultancy for stakeholders and factories in order to convert their production line to natural refrigerants”, says Nastaran Ale-Ali from Teheran. A further highlight was the virtual Ozone Day ceremony organised by the National Ozone Unit of Iran.
In 2021, the trainings will continue, and refrigeration systems based on CO2 and propane will be installed in two partner training institutions.
In Mexico, the focus was on qualification, certification and registration of RAC technicians. “We defined the scope of the standard of competence and planned the steps related to its implementation”, says Yuriana Gonzalez Ulloa, technical advisor working in Mexico-City. In 2021, the project will concentrate on three activities. First, a certification standard for RAC technicians handling HC refrigerants will be developed. Secondly, trainers will be trained on the safe use of HC. Last but not least, a CO2-HC cascade refrigeration system will be designed and built. “The objective is to integrate this system into a training centre for training purposes”, adds Miriam Frisch, technical advisor in Germany.