Energy audits and a study on best-available technology - the K-CEP project "Energy Efficiency in public buildings in Bangladesh" enters the final phase.
“Despite the current situation, several walk-through energy audits have already been done – and more are planned” reports Anika Zwiener, junior advisor at GIZ Proklima, on the K-CEP project Energy Efficiency in public buildings in Bangladesh. The objective of this programme is to determine the potential of improving and optimizing the need and energy used for cooling in public buildings. “We want to reduce the knowledge gap and discuss funding opportunities for a public and private buildings energy efficiency program” explains Anika.
The project consists of two main activities. Firstly, energy audits are carried out in 15 different public buildings (hospitals, universities, public offices, etc.) mainly around Dhaka. Secondly, a study will be conducted about the best available technologies (BAT) in Bangladesh. The BAT study focusses on cooling, lighting and solar rooftop for building applications. It should serve as a basis for improving energy efficiency in buildings. Based on the results, a comprehensive technical and economical assessment will be done. In addition, this will provide a first indication of potential savings and investment required to cover all public buildings in Dhaka region.
The K-CEP project Energy Efficiency in public buildings in Bangladesh is based on the Bangladesh Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Master Plan. The EE&C Master Plan aims to reduce energy intensity by 15% in 2021 and 20% by 2030 (against a 2013 baseline). It also aims at cost-effective public building retrofits with potential annual energy savings of 5%. The implementation take place with the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as well as GIZ Bangladesh. The project started in September 2019 and will end in spring 2021.
At this point we want to say many thanks to all partners for the good cooperation despite all challenges this year. We look forward to entering the final phase of the project early 2021 and are convinced that the project will deliver many enriching and valuable results.
K-CEP project soon in Tunisia
GIZ Proklima together with GIZ Tunisia and partners of different Tunisian Ministries and Agencies has successfully prepared a Green Cooling proposal for the K-CEP NDC Facility (opens in a new window). The project was announced as one of ten recipients of funding from Facility during an online event co-hosted by the COP26 High-Level Champions, the UK Government, and the UN Environment Programme’s Cool Coalition (see K-CEP News Article (opens in a new window)). The proposed program tackles the transition of the building and RAC sector through mitigation activities according to Tunisia’s NDC.