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Supporting Partner Countries in their Global Cooling Pledge for COP 28

07.07.2023 , News :

GIZ Proklima was part of the Deep Dive Workshop (DDW) on Regional Leadership on Sustainable Cooling and the COP 28 Cooling Pledge on 15 June 2023 at the 2023 Asian Clean Energy Forum at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters in Manila, Philippines.

(opens enlarged image)
Source: ADB Asia Clean Energy Partnership  

Ms. Maraida Licerio, Senior Advisor of the Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change (C4 II) and Philippine focal of Proklima participated in the panel discussion on Technology and Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Cooling as part of the DDW. She provided inputs on the current state of climate finance architecture infrastructure needed to accelerate the scaling and deployment of innovative solution for sustainable cooling in Asia Pacific. She emphasized that any initiative on climate finance for sustainable cooling must be fundamentally rooted in transparency.

C4 in its first phase was a project that addressed cooling as an integral part of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of partner countries as part of its commitment to the Paris Agreements in 2015 and have supported these partner countries in the preparation for the Kigali Amendments to the Montreal Protocol in 2016. Among cooling projects, C4 supported greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and establishment of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector as a foundation of mitigation measures to be included in the NDC.

On its second phase, C4II continues to support countries in raising the ambition of RAC sector NDCs and ensuring the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) is integrated in the setting of climate targets for the cooling sector which is beyond the country commitments of the Kigali Amendments. C4 II supports its partner countries with their COP 28 Global Cooling Pledges through comprehensive commitments that address direct emissions from refrigerants and indirect emissions from energy use ensuring the transparent assessment and adoption of climate-friendly alternatives in various RAC subsectors.