Find here all recordings and presentations from the 1st day of the Green Cooling Summit - Policies, financing options and innovative business models to advance Green Cooling along the cold chain.
The Green Cooling Summit is jointly organised by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and GIZ Proklima on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The virtual conference addressed how the transition to natural refrigerants and energy efficiency along the cold chain can be completed globally from the perspective of policy, technology, planning and operation.
Opening, Welcome Remarks & Keynote
Keeping it cool, keeping it natural
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Two days of inspiring keynote speeches, lively discussions and insightful inputs on Green Cooling along the cold chain!
Julika Schmitz (facilitator) and her sparring partner Dr. Daniel de Graaf (UBA) set the scene for the Green Cooling Summit with the following question: Why is it important to focus on the cold chain?
Then, Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency (UBA) and Ingrid-Gabriele Hoven, Vice-Chair of the Mangement Board of GIZ opened the summit with their welcoming remarks.
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Following this, Prof. Toby Peters from the University of Birmingham highlighted that cold chains are critical infrastructure which underpin our access to safe food, healthcare, poverty reduction as well as economic growth and development.
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Session 1
Policy approaches to advance Green Cooling along the Cold Chain
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In the first session, our speakers presented and discussed comprehensive policy approaches to advance Green Cooling along the cold chain. Rosa Rolle (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) talked about the importance of sustainable cold chain systems for food loss and waste reduction. Sebastian Schnatz (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, BMUV) followed by discussing examples of policy approaches from the EU and Germany, in particular the revised EU F-Gas regulation. Ole Nielsen (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO) continued by sharing the perspective of the Multilateral Fund for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol on regulatory measures along the cold chain.
01:22 - 17:20: Input by Rosa Rolle (Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO)
17:21 - 34:46: Input by Sebastian Schnatz (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, BMUV)
33:47 - 50:08: Input by Ole Nielsen (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO)
50:09 - End: Q&A
Session 2
Financing options and innovative business models for Green Cooling along the Cold Chain
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The second session hosted three experts who discussed financing options and innovative business models for Green Cooling along the cold chain. Rahul Srinivasan (Sustainable Energy for All, SEforALL) introduced this topic by stating that access to affordable, efficient, and clean cooling is today a development priority. Dawie Kriel (EP Refrigeration) carried on by illustrating the concept of cooling as a service. Selçuk Tanatar (International Finance Corporation, IFC) closed the session by presenting the IFC Tech Emerge program which acclerates the adoption of innovative technologies in the cooling sector.
01:10 - 18:03: Input by Rahul Srinivasan (SEforALL)
18:04 - 33:32: Input by Dawie Kriel (EP Refrigeration)
33:33 - 52:38: Input by Selçuk Tanatar (International Finance Corporation, IFC)
52:39 - End: Q&A
Wrap-up and Conclusions of Day 1
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To conclude the first day, Julika Schmitz and Dr. Daniel de Graaf wrapped-up the first day of the summit and gave a foretaste of Day 2.
- Toby_Peters_Keynote_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.39 MB - opens in a new window)
- Ole_Nielsen_Session_1_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 448.16 KB - opens in a new window)
- Sebastian_Schnatz_Session_1_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.68 MB - opens in a new window)
- Rosa_Rolle_Session_1_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 585.45 KB - opens in a new window)
- Selcuk_Tanatar_Session_2_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.72 MB - opens in a new window)
- Rahul_Srinivasan_Session_2_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.50 MB - opens in a new window)
- Dawie_Kriel_Session_2_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 689.01 KB - opens in a new window)