The RAC sector contributes to approximately 12% of Costa Rica’s GHG emissions (direct and indirect). In total, the RAC sector was thus responsible for around 1.38 Mt CO2eq in 2012.
Following the current temperature trend according to the IPCC (2014) and considering the expected increase for Costa Rica (1 °C to 2°C for 2050, 2 °C to 4 °C in 2080), the need for air conditioning and refrigeration in Costa Rica will gradually increase. Due to this growing demand, it is expected that the resulting annual emissions in the RAC sector of Costa Rica increase to about 3.3 Mt CO2eq in the year 2050. For this reason, it is of paramount importance to pay greater attention to the refrigeration sector in terms of emissions savings. This inventory report provides a data base on the emissions of the RAC sector between 2012 - 2016 and proposes concrete saving measures.