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Can refrigerants with a GWP below 150 be used for Heat Pumps in Europe?

10/2022 , Publication - Technical Publication :

In the forthcoming report, the viability of applying alternative refrigerants with a GWP < 150 to domestic heat pumps (DHPs) with nominal heating capacities up to 50 kW will be considered. The assessment will reflect the proposed revision to the European F-gas regulation. DHPs currently use a variety of refrigerants, primarily R410A, but also R32, R407C, R404A, R417A, R454B, R454C, R452B, R448A, R449A, amongst others, all of which are medium or high GWP. A number of models already use R290, whilst other alternative refrigerants with GWP < 150 under consideration are R1270, R1234yf and R152a; all of which are flammable. These low GWP alternatives will be assessed, relative to R410A as baseline and R32 as leading medium GWP refrigerant.


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