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Vi­deo se­ries | Wo­men in Ref­ri­ge­ra­ti­on

06/2023 , Publication - Video :

Female voices from the Cool Trainings 2022 - Women in the RAC sector speak out about their issues and challenges but also the pleasure of working in the industry and why female empowerment in the sector needs to be enhanced.

Watch the vi­de­os be­low

Femmes fri­go­ris­tes, les me­di­cins des cli­ma­ti­seurs

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Repairing air conditioners, installing cold stores - it's a job for everyone. Listen to female refrigeration technicians talk about why they love their job, and what's needed to get more women into the industry.

In­ge­nie­ra en ref­ri­ge­r­a­ción - una pro­fe­si­on con fu­turo, pa­ra el fu­turo

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Why is it interesting to work in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector? How can female refrigeration technicians protect our means of living? What are the challenges for women working in the sector? Some engineers from different Latin American countries tell of their experiences - and motivate other women to engage in this varied profession.

Salt and Pep­per - Wo­men in Ref­ri­ge­ra­ti­on

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Ladies who work in refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) talk about the pleasures and challenges of their profession.