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COP28: Agrifood Cold Chains: Reducing food losses, waste and methane emissions

12/2023 , Publication :

Every year, an estimated 14 percent of total food produced is lost in the field, and 17 percent is wasted at the point of retail or consumption. This is enough food to feed approximately 1 billion hungry people around the world. At the same time, the rotting groceries lead to considerable amounts of methane emissions.
One major solution to food loss and waste is increasing access to refrigeration, ensuring that food is kept at suitable temperature conditions from harvest to plate. The experts will highlight the use of sustainable cold chains in the Global South with natural refrigerants, combining energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.


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Scaling up future-friendly cold chain infrastructure that uses natural refrigerants (Green Cooling technologies) supports the implementation of both the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

This side event addressed challenges and discussed solutions to reduce food loss and waste taking into account the greenhouse gas mitigation potential.

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