Ozone Fund: HPMPs and KIPs

Supporting developing and emerging countries in meeting their obligations of the Montreal Protocol – this is the aim of Proklima’s ozone protection projects within the Multilateral Fund (MLF). Therefore, Proklima currently offers individual services for more than 10 countries.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

The current focus is to support the countries with the development and implementation of their HCFC Phase-Out Management Plans (HPMP). Proklima’s activities include policy advice, trainings on the safe handling of natural refrigerants, recommendations for the recovery and recycling of HCFC and technology transfer. Due to the Kigali Amendment, more and more projects are also concentrating on the HFC phase-down (Kigal Implementation Plans, KIPs). The ozone protection activities are conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in conjunction with the German Ozone Fund.

Proklima realised more than 280 bilateral ozone protection projects within the Multilateral fund.

The Multilateral Fund was set up for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and is dedicated to reversing the deterioration of the Earth's ozone layer. The main objective is to assist developing country parties whose annual level of consumption of ODS, CFCs and halons is less than 0.3 kilograms per capita (Article 5 countries) to comply with the control measures of the Protocol.

Latest news

Egypt celebrates World Ozone Day 2021

16.09.2021 , News :

Attending the ceremony were representatives of the National Ozone Unit and the Environmental Protection Agency

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Egypt celebrated World Ozone Day 2021 in the presence of Dr Ali Abo Sena, CEO of the Environmental Affairs Agency and affiliates of the National Ozone Committee. The day focused on various environmental issues related to the protection of our planet. Dr Ezzat Lewis, the head of the National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Environment, reaffirmed Egypt's commitment and efforts in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from cooling equipment and promoting Green Cooling technologies. This year's theme "Keeping us, our food, and our vaccines cool" once again shows the strong relation of the Montreal Protocol to the cooling sector, and how it prevents food losses and supports the storage of medicines and vaccines.

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The National Ozone Unit of Egypt is the first of its kind in African & Arab countries established within the Ministry of Environment in 1993, and has the following objectives:

  • Enhance capacity and actions to provide a suitable climate in the country for the expeditious phase-out of ODS.
  • Increase coordination, promotion, and monitoring of the country's activities for phasing-out of ODS, with a view to the HCFCs phase-out targets.
  • Raise awareness on the topic.
  • Enhance facilitation in the exchange of information with other parties and organisations established by the Montreal Protocol.
  • Improve connections between the country and the relevant organizations under the Montreal Protocol.
  • Improve collection of national data on ODS consumption used for preparation of country Program report.