The technical handbook and its modules aim to serve policy makers and practitioners in developing countries as a comprehensive guideline for the preparation and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) in the RAC and foam sectors.
In order to meet the 2°C target, assuming that global emissions are not allowed to peak much later than 2020, it will be necessary to achieve emission reductions of at least 3.8 % per annum from 2020 to 20502. The effort for emission reductions requires the collaboration of all countries, including developing countries, and all sectors.
The approach of this handbook is sector specific for the RAC&F sectors and its subsectors. In addition to the guidelines and concepts on how to prepare sector specific NAMAs, the handbook is complemented by several practical tools and methodologies for policy makers.
NAMAs are voluntary policies or activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that
- are appropriate for the specific implementing country
- recognise different capabilities and capacities of each country, and
- combine the development agenda with climate protection targets.
Handbook structure
The handbook, which was first published in 2013, is structured into ten modules. Modules 1-5 are related to establishing the GHG emissions baseline and reduction scenarios. Modules 6-10 contain guidance on how to prepare suitable roadmaps and to provide for enabling policy, market and financing environments. Further the modules offer guidelines for the development of implementation plans including aspects for the realisation of co-benefits and the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of emission reductions.