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Ozone Day 2021: Celebrating Green Cooling around the world

30.09.2021 , News :

To raise global awareness of the need to preserve the ozone layer, the United Nations created the "International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer". It is celebrated every year on September 16. We took a look at the celebrations a few of our partner countries.

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When scientists in the mid-1970s showed that stratospheric ozone was depleted and the so-called “ozone hole” was discovered, the world listened. A debate within the scientific community has been brought to a political level, and long-lasting action has been taken under the Montreal Protocol and later with its Kigali Amendment. The "International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer" reminds us of the progress made in ozone protection and that collective actions on a global scale are the best way forward. Most important, it points towards the need of integrated ozone and climate protection for the environment, our health and future generations.

To raise awareness on the protection of the ozone layer and our environment, our partner countries celebrated Ozone Day 2021 with various activities. Let’s take a look!

Kenya: Ozone- and cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly me­di­cal ref­ri­ge­ra­tor do­na­ted to hos­pi­tal

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in collaboration with GIZ and Isiolo County, identified Isiolo referral hospital in Isiolo town, as the beneficiary of the donation of an ozone and climate-friendly medical refrigerator.

En­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy and safe­ty at the heart of Phil­ip­pi­nes' World Ozone Day ce­le­bra­ti­ons

The day-long celebration provided updates on the status of the Philippine’s ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and presentations on current policies supporting its implementation.

Chi­na: Two ce­le­bra­ti­ons in one on World Ozone Day 2021

China celebrated twice: The World Ozone Day 2021 celebration and the 30th anniversary of China joining the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer took place in Beijing.

Egypt ce­le­bra­tes World Ozone Day 2021

Attending the ceremony were representatives of the National Ozone Unit and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Iran keeps it vir­tual­ly cool on World Ozone Day 2021

As last year, the commemoration of this year's National Ozone Day was held virtually in Iran due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online ceremony was organized by the National Ozone Unit of Iran.

Of­fi­ci­al launch of the RO­CA pro­ject in Bur­ki­na Fa­so on World Ozone Day

The GIZ project was officially launched in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Many relevant stakeholders from the Burkinabe government, NGOs, associations and technical partners participated.

Wes­tern Cape ce­le­bra­tes World Ozone Day with a tech­ni­cal work­shop

The workshop addressed safety while planning, operating and maintaining systems with hydrocarbon refrigerants.

Kenya: Ozone- and cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly me­di­cal ref­ri­ge­ra­tor do­na­ted to hos­pi­tal

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in collaboration with GIZ and Isiolo County, identified Isiolo referral hospital in Isiolo town, as the beneficiary of the donation of an ozone and climate-friendly medical refrigerator.

En­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy and safe­ty at the heart of Phil­ip­pi­nes' World Ozone Day ce­le­bra­ti­ons

The day-long celebration provided updates on the status of the Philippine’s ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and presentations on current policies supporting its implementation.

Chi­na: Two ce­le­bra­ti­ons in one on World Ozone Day 2021

China celebrated twice: The World Ozone Day 2021 celebration and the 30th anniversary of China joining the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer took place in Beijing.

Egypt ce­le­bra­tes World Ozone Day 2021

Attending the ceremony were representatives of the National Ozone Unit and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Iran keeps it vir­tual­ly cool on World Ozone Day 2021

As last year, the commemoration of this year's National Ozone Day was held virtually in Iran due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online ceremony was organized by the National Ozone Unit of Iran.

Of­fi­ci­al launch of the RO­CA pro­ject in Bur­ki­na Fa­so on World Ozone Day

The GIZ project was officially launched in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Many relevant stakeholders from the Burkinabe government, NGOs, associations and technical partners participated.

Wes­tern Cape ce­le­bra­tes World Ozone Day with a tech­ni­cal work­shop

The workshop addressed safety while planning, operating and maintaining systems with hydrocarbon refrigerants.
