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ProjectAccelerating Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standards
06.05.2024 News From Zero Interest to Net Zero: Retail Banking for Energy Efficiency, Philippines
A training workshop in the Philippines offered the opportunity to find solustions to create more incentives for consumers to invest in energy efficient and climate-friendly appliances. Like this the cooling sector in the country should be able to fulfil its crimate targets.
10.05.2024 News Burkina Faso: 11000 people immunized thanks to climate-friendly refrigerators
The ROCA project donated climate-friendly vaccine refrigerators to ten health-care centres in Burkina Faso.
MemberMAGNOTHERM Solutions GmbH
MAGNOTHERM is an emerging university spin-off from Technische Universität Darmstadt with world leading expertise in permanent magnets and magnetic cooling. Our technology, based on solid state materials and water, is capable of replacing standard gas compression cooling or heating solutions in compliance with current and future f-gase regulation standards. Our developed cutting-edge energy conversion solutions allow cooling and heating with low pressure systems (approx. 0.5 bar) and is 40% more efficient than current systems. At the same time it complies with all current and future EU F-gas regulations, is explosion free and non-flammable. It is efficiently scalable in all sizes (from 0.5 to 5 kW) for thermal energy conversion units in decentralized, mid-range powered applications. With our 100% green technology, we are able to meet the world’s fast growing demand of clean and sustainable cooling and heating applications. …
12/2023 PublicationCOP 28 RAC Skills Side Event Highlights Philippine Innovation in Green Jobs through Climate-Friendly Cooling
The Philippines highlighted its best practice on green jobs in climate-friendly cooling through the COP 28 hybrid side event “Skills in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning with Growth in Global Cooling Demand” at the Philippine Pavilion on 08 December 2023.
30.04.2024 News Senegal: Trainings in Green Cooling
Assane Thiam and Fatikha Ba, along with 98 other refrigeration and air conditioning professionals, have successfully completed a training course focusing on the use of natural refrigerants, which are less harmful to the environment and more energy-efficient.
26.04.2024 News Grenada Steps Closer Towards the Establishment of a Product Registration System for Cooling Equipment
Grenada solidified its commitment for a market transformation to energy efficient and climate friendly cooling solutions with the successful hosting of a workshop on the establishment of a Product Registration System for Cooling Equipment.
29.04.2024 News NDC4 Webinar Series Shares Tools, Methods and Best Practices for Integrating the Cooling Sector into NDCs
As part of the global project Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II), a series of webinars has been initiated to address a critical aspect of climate action: integrating the cooling sector into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The sessions serve as a platform to disseminate tools, methods and best practice examples to incorporate cooling strategies into the national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, highlighting the pivotal role of the cooling sector in achieving these targets.
30.01.2024 News Cooling NDCs needed? The NDC Helpdesk provides expert guidance
Do you need support in designing, implementing, or updating your Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) with ambitious targets and mitigation measures in the cooling sector? The newly established NDC helpdesk for the cooling sector is here to support you.
19.04.2024 News Grenada’s National Climate Change Committee embraces plans for a sustainable transformation of the RAC sector
Grenada underscored its commitment for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency in the cooling sector with the successful convening of a stakeholder workshop on its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector.