Find here all recordings and presentations from the 2nd day of the Green Cooling Summit: Technologies for stationary refrigeration and innovative business models to advance Green Cooling along the cold chain.
The Green Cooling Summit is jointly organised by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and GIZ Proklima on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The virtual conference addresses how the transition to natural refrigerants and energy efficiency along the cold chain can be completed globally from the perspective of policy, technology, planning and operation.
- Andrea_Silva_Session_3_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 922.49 KB - abre en una nueva ventana)
- Iwan_Chandra_Session_3_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 4.19 MB - abre en una nueva ventana)
- Wang_Guangsheng_Session_3_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.56 MB - abre en una nueva ventana)
- Jan_Zeller_Session_4_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.30 MB - abre en una nueva ventana)
- Juergen_Suess_Session_4_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 1.74 MB - abre en una nueva ventana)
- Filip_Kitanowski_Session_4_GCS23.pdf (PDF, 2.99 MB - abre en una nueva ventana)