“What we have learnt here is enormous”, said Allan Mitchel, a refrigeration technician from Grenada. Get some impressions from the Cool Training that took place at the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Maintal, Germany from the 4th to the 14th of October 2022.
Image: giz Proklima
One of the highlights: excursion to Chillventa in Nuremberg, one of the world's most important exhibitions for refrigeration technology.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Trauhold Nepembe from Namibia: "In the training we did a comparison between synthetic and hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are a lot more efficient!"
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The participants were impressed how well-equipped the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) is. They have models for hands-on learning - many of them self-made. Patrick Chinedu Onwuzirike: "This school not only brings you training. It relates practice, research, technology and brings everything together. It’s not only about talking about it in the class room, you see things in real life!”
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
A break in the sun - the wheather was alarmingly warm for Germany in October.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
“Reiner is a world of knowledge on two legs”, said Colville Julien from Grenada about their trainer.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Shakira Boyce is the first and only female tutor in refrigeration and air conditioning on her island, Barbados. Her message to other women: "Being a RAC technician is no different from any other profession. Find your love - everything else will be natural. Just be you, that is all you need!"
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Primrose Ncube from Zimbabwe: "The most important thing I have learnt is the importance of us protecting the environment so that future generations can still enjoy it. In our practices in refrigeration there is something that we can do: that is to choose natural refrigerants which are not harmful to the environment."
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Kebaabetswe Basutli from Botswana is looking closely at an experiment: water boiling and freezing at the same time. "I like working in the sector because I wanted to learn things that are done by men and I found it great. I can encourage more women to join the sector.”
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Patrick Chinedu Onwuzirike, originally from Nigeria, but working in Guyana: "Hydrocarbons are one of the best refrigerants. I believe that ammonia and hydrocarbons can cover all appliances. So we do not need to worry about all the new gases that are coming and of which we do not know their consequences. Why not use those gases that exist in nature and can easily taken and be recycled."
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The participants really enjoyed the training and the exchange with colleagues from different countries. Maurice McBarnette from Tobago: “I would encourage everyone who gets the opportunity to take part in this training, whether online or in person.”
"Cool Training teaches us how to protect the environment", said Amadou Traore from Mali. Get here some more insights about the training that took place from 24 October to 4 November in Maintal, Germany.
In June, sixteen cool(ing) engineers from Latin America took part in this year's first Cool Training in Maintal, Germany. Our photo gallery shows some impressions.
Do you want to expand or refresh your knowledge about the basic principles of refrigeration? Are you interested in the characteristics and advantages of natural refrigerants? Check out our new Cool Training online course. Available to anyone, at any time, from any place, free of charge.
Green Cooling InitiativeGreen Cooling Initiative
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