"Cool Training teaches us how to protect the environment", said Amadou Traore from Mali. Get here some more insights about the training that took place from 24 October to 4 November in Maintal, Germany.
Expressive: Quotes from some Participants
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Alimata Coulibaly Kindo from Burkina Faso: "With natural refrigerants, we can save energy, protect the ozone layer and contribute to global development. The protection of the environment concerns us all."
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Astou Coulibaly from Senegal: "Trust in the ladies! Because the world of vocational training is not a world of men only. It is a place for everyone".
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Djénébou Alpha Diallo from Mali: "I want to deepen my knowledge so that I will be able to improve my lessons when I am back in my country and be able to coach my students better".
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Amadou Traoré (right) from Mali: "I've been in this sector for almost 15 years and Cool Training has shown me a lot".
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Sokhna Fall from Senegal: "When technicians understand the safety measures, for me there is no limit to the use of natural refrigerants. We all know that we are destroying the environment. Natural refrigerants are therefore more than necessary for us. First of all as technicians, who handle the refrigerants. But in general for the whole population, who needs to be made aware about what their refrigeration appliances contain".
Extraordinary: The Team
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The trainer, Reiner Mayers of Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik, giving a theoretical lesson. Or is he telling one of his famous anecdotes from his many years of work experience?
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Thanks to the excellent interpreters Ellen LeFoll (on the picture) and Fiona Scuiller everybody could follow Reiner's explanations in French.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The training was organized and financed by the project "Refroidissement respectueux de l'Ozone et du Climat en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale" (ROCA). It was also a possibility for the project staff from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Germany, Mali and Senegal to meet for the first time in person. Find out more about ROCA by clicking on the photo.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The trainer, Reiner Mayers of Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik, giving a theoretical lesson. Or is he telling one of his famous anecdotes from his many years of work experience?
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Thanks to the excellent interpreters Ellen LeFoll (on the picture) and Fiona Scuiller everybody could follow Reiner's explanations in French.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The trainer, Reiner Mayers of Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik, giving a theoretical lesson. Or is he telling one of his famous anecdotes from his many years of work experience?
Excursion: Industrial Cooling with Ammonia
One of the highlights: A company visit at Nordfrost in Groß-Gerau.
Image: giz Proklima
Nordfrost uses a huge cooling installation that runs with the natural refrigerant ammonia, R717.
One of the highlights: A company visit at Nordfrost in Groß-Gerau.
Image: giz Proklima
One of the highlights: A company visit at Nordfrost in Groß-Gerau.
Experiment: boiling water that freezes
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Fascinating experiments and practical exercises contributed to successfull learning. Here: If you place a bowl with water in a vacuum and reduce the pressure, the water eventually starts boiling.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The evaporation process takes energy from the water...
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
...and the water freezes. Difficult to understand? Have a look at our explanatory video on YouTube by clicking the image. Or subscribe to our Cool Training online course on www.atingi.org
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Fascinating experiments and practical exercises contributed to successfull learning. Here: If you place a bowl with water in a vacuum and reduce the pressure, the water eventually starts boiling.
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
The evaporation process takes energy from the water...
Image: giz Proklima / Wolf Kunik
Fascinating experiments and practical exercises contributed to successfull learning. Here: If you place a bowl with water in a vacuum and reduce the pressure, the water eventually starts boiling.
Excellent: The group in front of Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS)
“What we have learnt here is enormous”, said Allan Mitchel, a refrigeration technician from Grenada. Get some impressions from the Cool Training that took place at the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Maintal, Germany from the 4th to the 14th of October 2022.
In June, sixteen cool(ing) engineers from Latin America took part in this year's first Cool Training in Maintal, Germany. Our photo gallery shows some impressions.
Do you want to expand or refresh your knowledge about the basic principles of refrigeration? Are you interested in the characteristics and advantages of natural refrigerants? Check out our new Cool Training online course. Available to anyone, at any time, from any place, free of charge.
Green Cooling InitiativeGreen Cooling Initiative
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